Where is the Love?

healing anger“To love in a world of love is ideal, but to love in the face of illusion is mastery.”
Alan Cohen A Deep Breath of Life

This quote by Alan Cohen has often challenged me to rise above when the going gets tough in my world. And, I admit, my inner world has been rocked a lot recently with my perception of outer world events. I’ve grieved through the death of my Mom & Dad, been by the side of a loved one moving through a serious illness. Wept over children separated from their families by a law that makes no sense to me, feeling helpless and angry, yet determined to find love not hatred for the “perpetrators”…

Perhaps you too have felt like you’re being hit by waves of change, faster than you can recover. What do we do when we don’t know what to do? Where is the haven, the place of harbor and respite in the midst of what appears to be chaos and confusion?

For me, it all starts with, and comes back to love. We recognize love as a higher vibration, one which casts out fear, doubt, anger, despair. Accessing this love is truly the key to personal peace in the midst of any storm. The good news: this love is always available, as close as our very breath. And it’s free, accessible in any given moment, awaiting only our recognition of its presence, power, and beauty. We can find it in the silence, in the eye contact with another being, in a hug. We find it when we recognize a common humanity that’s deeper than our external appearances.

Try it right now: Be still. Close your eyes and breathe slowly, deeply for a few moments. Say the word “Love.” Feel the warm light of love vibrate and fill your heart. There it is. There you are. For you are the Love. Welcome home.

Today, I remember that I am Love. The love within me is greater than any illusion, any appearance or circumstance.

By Felicia Williams Cosey, HAI Facilitator

Real Life Love

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